Environmental Monitoring 05/31/18

USEPA issued a modification to the Pompton Lakes Works facility RCRA permit on June 22, 2015 to remove mercury impacted soils and sediment from Pompton Lake. The remedy encompassed four areas consisting of approximately 40 acres. The areas identified in the permit modification included upland soils between Rotary Park and the lake, the lake bottom adjacent to Rotary Park, and the lake bottom at two downstream locations.  A map depicting these areas is provided below. A Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI) work plan which describes the means and methods upon which the remedy will be completed was approved by USEPA on April 22, 2016. Field activities associated with the remedy commenced in early June 2016.  Work completed in 2016 consisted of the removal of soils in the Uplands Area and sediments in the Island Area and Lake Area A.  Work completed in 2017 consisted of the removal of sediment from the Delta Area.  Work completed in 2018 consisted of the placement of eco-layer material in the Delta Area and Island Area as well as restoration in these two areas. Download Monitor and Removal Area Detail View

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Environmental monitoring of surface water (turbidity), air (dust and mercury vapor), and noise was conducted in accordance with the CMI work plan during the removal phases of the remediation program. Chemours is committed to sharing monitoring data (turbidity, dust, mercury vapor) collected during remedy implementation with the community. The graphs below contain data from the various monitoring locations around the project area.

1. Wind Monitoring

Wind Environmental Monitor Graph
Click Image to Enlarge


The weather station was moved during the mid-morning timeframe in order to accommodate restoration activities beginning along Lakeside Avenue (i.e., removal of fencing where station was secured).

2. PM10 Particulate (Dust) Monitoring

Dust Environmental Monitor Graph
Click Image to Enlarge


Monitoring station AM-3 was removed in the morning in order to accommodate restoration activities beginning along Lakeside Avenue.  Moving forward, monitoring station AM-2 will be set up as a “mobile” station in that it can be moved to different locations each day (depending on where the majority of work is being completed) for recording dust concentrations.

3. Mercury Vapor Monitoring

Mercury Environmental Monitor Graph
Click Image to Enlarge


Dredging and sediment processing complete – mercury vapor monitoring no longer being conducted.

4. Turbidity Monitoring

Turbidity Environmental Monitor Graph
Click Image to Enlarge

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